Every neighborhood in Salt Lake City is different. Every block of every neighborhood is different. The differences can be seen in a neighborhood’s landscape, its history, and its people.
Although Salt Lake has never had a formal delineation of its neighborhoods, some areas like the Avenues and Federal Heights have boundaries that are more widely recognized than other areas. On the other hand, neighborhoods like Sugar House, Downtown,and 9th and 9th have less defined borders.
Salt Lake is growing and changing. An increase in the number of residents in a neighborhood fuels that change. Over the last few years we’ve seen growth and transformation in the Gateway and Marmalade neighborhoods, and over the past few months, City Creek Center has helped change Downtown by adding 800 residential units to the neighborhood.
In the next several years we’ll be able to see growth in areas like the North Temple corridor, and new urban neighborhoods like the Granary District take shape.
Our neighborhoods are our environment, our community, our place. Place matters.